Your capital will produce 1 wood per turn, but to gain more than that each turn you will need to build cabins. Cabins will produce 1 wood for each pure forest tile adjacent to them. These forest tiles must also not have anything built on them to produce wood. The cabin will also need to be connected to a capital or warehouse by road. The capital or warehouse can also be directly adjacent to the cabin for it to count. Cabins only recognize tiles to the North, South, East, and West of itself.
- Cabins can only be built on pure forest tiles
- Cabins will only gather wood from pure forest tiles with nothing built on them
- Cabins only recognize tiles to the North, South, East, and West
- Each pure forest tile gets harvested only once per turn
Food |
25 |
Wood |
25 |
Iron |
5 |
Manpower |
5 |
Build Time |
2 |
Hit Points |
5 |
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