Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sign Up for Tile Empires

The current game of Tile Empires has 25 players in it and is close to finishing. I would like to try and get around 100 players in the next game. If you would like to help test or are interested in trying out Tile Empires, please submit your email address through this Google form.

You will be sent instructions when the next game is about to begin.


UPDATE - April 3rd, 2013 - 25 spots left. Get 'em while they're hot!

Player Guide - Mine Shops

Tile Empires - Mine Shop in the wild

Monday, January 28, 2013

Player Guide - Barracks

Barracks are the most basic structure that can produce military units. Currently they can produce soldiers and catapults. Barracks can be built on any solid land tile.

Food 100
Wood 50
Stone 25
Iron 50
Gold 250
Manpower 10
Build Time 23
Hit Points 20

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Player Guide - Crops

Crops must be built adjacent to farms for them to produce food. Each crop can only be harvested once per turn. So placing a single crop adjacent and between two farms would still only produce 1 food per turn.

Wood 5
Build Time 1
Hit Points 1

Friday, January 25, 2013

Player Guide - Capitals

Your capital produces 2 tiles per turn and 1 of each resource. It also acts as an explorer for tile placement.

Lose your capital and you lose the game.

If you manage to conquer an enemy's capital, you gain control of all their land and buildings.

Hit Points 100

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Player Guide - Bridges

Bridges can be built over "river" tiles. Currently there isn't a bridge build button. You have to select build road with a "river" tile selected. Your units as well as enemy units can move over water tiles using bridges.

Roads and bridges are the only structures enemy units won't automatically destroy.

Wood 10
Iron 0
Manpower 0
Stone 20
Gold 10
Food 10
Hit Points 1
Build Time 10

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Player Guide - Docks

Docks can produce fishing boats. In the future they will be up-gradable to more prestigious docks and ports with the ability to produce other types of units and military ships.

Food 25
Wood 25
Stone 0
Iron 25
Gold 50
Manpower 5
Build Time 5
Hit Points 5

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Player Guide - Libraries

KNOWLEDGE IS NOT IN GAME YET - you can build this, but it won't do anything right now.

Libraries act like warehouses for knowledge. Buildings that produce knowledge will usually need to be connected to a library by road for knowledge to be stored for use. Currently the only knowledge producing building is the Town Elder.

Food 50
Wood 25
Stone 25
Iron 25
Gold 100
Manpower 5
Build Time 5
Hit Points 20

Player Guide - Catapults

coming very soon!

Player Guide - Fishing Boats

coming very soon!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Player Guide - Markets

Markets are a way to generate gold each turn. They can be built on any solid land tile.

A market must be connected to either your capital or a warehouse by road. They must also have a house adjacent to them. Once those requirements are met they will produce 1 gold per turn. In addition, they will produce 1 extra gold for each unique type of resource structure next to them (like farms and log cabins). Since one of the adjacent tiles must be a road, capital, or warehouse - the max a market can produce is 3 gold.

Wood 25
Stone 5
Iron 5
Gold 50
Manpower 5
Build Time 5
Hit Points 2

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Player Guide - Roads

Roads are used to connect certain buildings. If you try to build a road over a "river" tile, it will construct a bridge instead.

(Working on making roads allow your units to move further per turn.)

Stone 5
Build Time 1
Hit Points 1

Friday, January 18, 2013

Player Guide - Stables

Stables currently only work as a way to receive notifications. In the future though, stables will also produce knights and other horse based units.

If you build stables next to a watch tower, it will email you when enemy troops move within vision range of it. Right now email notifications are limited to a maximum of one an hour.

Food 25
Wood 50
Stone 10
Iron 10
Gold 100
Manpower 5
Build Time 8
Hit Points 20

Monday, January 14, 2013

Player Guide - Stone Gates

Stone gates are like stone walls except your units can move through them. They block enemy units and have a very high amount of hit points. They are weak against catapults.

Food 25
Wood 50
Stone 50
Iron 25
Gold 100
Manpower 10
Build Time 23
Hit Points 50

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Player Guide - Stone Walls

Stone walls block enemy units and have a very high amount of hit points. They are weak against catapults.

Food 10
Wood 25
Stone 50
Iron 5
Gold 50
Manpower 0
Build Time 12
Hit Points 100

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Player Guide - Town Elders

KNOWLEDGE IS NOT IN GAME YET - you can build this, but it won't do anything right now.

Town Elders are the first level of learning buildings. They will produce knowledge based on the tiles adjacent to it. For example, forest will produce dark green knowledge and water tiles will produce blue knowledge. These knowledge points can then be spent on items in the knowledge trees.

Food 5
Wood 5
Stone 5
Iron 5
Gold 100
Manpower 1
Build Time 8
Hit Points 2

Friday, January 11, 2013

Player Guide - Warehouses

Warehouses increase storage for all resources by 5 and gold by 50.

Food 25
Wood 25
Stone 25
Iron 10
Gold 50
Manpower 5
Build Time 5
Hit Points 10

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Player Guide - Watch Towers

Watch towers have a vision distance of 10 tiles. This is useful on borders or in other situations where you might not be able to see tiles. If you build stables next to a watch tower, you will be notified by email if enemy troops move within its vision.

Food 10
Wood 25
Stone 25
Iron 10
Gold 25
Manpower 5
Build Time 12
Hit Points 20